Oslo soup is growing and we are thankful!  We have developed new partnerships and are overcome with joy by the level of donations at our next event.  I am talking lots of cakes, folks… more to come in future posts.  Much of this is due to our latest growth with two new (and frankly, amazing) team members!  Welcome to oslo soup, Leeanne and Margot!

These names are not likely very new to our fellow SOUPies.  Both Margot and Leeanne have been around from the start as you can see below.  They both attended our very first public open house and mug donation event at Grünerløkka Bakeri.


Both Leeanne and Margot bring incredible skillsets to the group.  Leeanne, the ultimate volunteer, will lead our oslo soup volunteer efforts as well as help with updating the oslosoup.org website.  Margot will lead coordination of our next event logistics at Smelteverket on December 11th and will coordinate the pitch workshop for our interested and selected event pitchers.  As with any team, we all work together to support something that means so much to us – making microfunding available to community ideas in Oslo and creating a forum for networking and discourse around these enhancing and inspiring ideas.

Needless to say, we won the jackpot, folks.  Please give Leeanne and Margot a warm welcome! Then come visit them (and the rest of the team) on December 11th at Smelteverket for our third oslo soup event!