In one month our 12th oslo soup event will be happening at Hanson Hall and we are looking forward to seeing you all there, to listen to inspiring pitches and have the chance to wish you a Merry Christmas and great 2020. However, before I start talking more about our next event, I would like to look back at our successful oslo soup at Prindsen Hage on September the 1st

Photo credit Ka Man Mak – Photographer and Writer, founder of The Oslo Desk 

With the weather on our side and delicious soup, bread, cake and raffle donations we had a great afternoon. Starting with Yu Mei presenting the project Kitchen Stories. The vision behind Kitchen Stories is to create a social and cultural meeting space where people can interact with each other across gender/race/cultures and generations. The goal is to encourage integration and break barriers between people. 

The second project of the day, presented by Max, was Oslofolk. This is a project that aims to celebrate the growth of Oslo and the diversity of its residents through a living online database of free images and stories for use by architects, designers, and those interested in the diversity of our city. Oslofolk will provide an evolving online source of images and stories through the collection and sharing of real Oslo residents’ experiences. 

Simple Repair Corner, presented by Natasza, was the final project and also the winner of this event. Congrats again Natasza!! Lots of clothes are being tossed away due to minor imperfections, and it might be easier to buy new clothes instead of repairing them yourself. Simple Repair Corner is a physical space in the center where people can come and repair their clothes by themselves, with guidance from an amateur who knows the basics.  There is no sign up, no fee, just a simple drop-in.

And the inspiring thing is, during the event one person in our amazing audience already donated her sewing machine to the Simple Repair Corner and Natasza has been very active after winning our micro-fund. She has organized the first workshop on Saturday 12th of October at Skatten. Besides having the opportunity to fix your own clothes (with help of course), the also had a little workshop where you could make recycled, reusable nets for fruit and vegetables to can replace the plastic bag in the shop. How cool is that? Wanna know when the next Simple Repair Corner is? Follow them on Facebook:

The oslo soup board and winner Natasza
Photo credit Ka Man Mak – Photographer and Writer, founder of The Oslo Desk 

If you have a great idea/project that will benefit Oslo and you need some funding to realize it, reach out to us! The deadline for applying is Sunday 24 November, via:

The preparations for our next event, on Sunday 8th of December have started and we already have several great cake, soup and raffle donations. If you would like to donate to this event, just write us an email or reach out on Social Media ☺ 

Looking forward to seeing you on December 8th!
