We were so happy to feature Elliott who presented the project titled, ConnAction Norway, at our event on June 10, 2018!  Read more about the project below:

Project Description

ConnAction Norway (registered organisation with that name and previously called MakeSense Oslo project) is a social enterprise initiative aiming to promote social entrepreneurship/ social and environmental innovations in Oslo and in Norway as well as promoting social and environmental innovations from Norway to the international level in the long term.

By organising social events, workshops and by being active in the social media, we want to create a community of social entrepreneurs in Oslo that will allow more people concerned with social and environmental innovations to get involved, either in creating social enterprise projects or in helping social entrepreneurs.

Why does this idea matter to you?

I feel concerned by the cultural diversity, social integration, climate changes and citizen empowerment. I would like to combine all these components in this social enterprise project.

Oslo is a small European city pretty cosmopolitan, it has lots of potentials that are not always considered. We find, for example an important part of foreigners with. We also can observe some difficulties for foreigners and Norwegians to interact. By creating an environment where people can interact through the field of social and environmental innovation, we can give the opportunity of both groups to meet, exchange and why not create new business and jobs with positive impacts, the concept of “Dugnad & Innovation”. Finding a way to connect immigrants and Norwegian to create businesses solving social and environmental problems could be used as example in other cities in Europe, facing migration of people as well.

How will you idea make Oslo a better place?

Making Oslo an even better city in cultural exchange, integrations and citizen empowerment fighting environmental and social issues.

How will you use the micro-grant funding to realize your concept?

We plan to start after the summer a serie of workshops that will help us to know how we can help the social entrepeneurs and to grow the community. We are also thinking about how to organise some bigger events such as conferences. We have currently no funding (we want to start working on that during the summer), therefore getting some grant, event small could be really useful for us as a start.


How do I contact this project?

Facebook Link Here 🙂