Flott! Awesome! YES YES YES!!! Please message us through the Contact Us page and let us know how you can volunteer.
Awesome! Thank you so much for thinking about this. Please message us through the Contact Us page and let us know what you want to donate.
We have the deadline a week before the oslo soup event to ensure that the executive committee votes on the project. This is a small group of active participants who help put on the dinner. Whatever proposals have the most votes, get the… Continue Reading →
Of course! The oslo soup event is public and so you are more than welcome to take photos, write about it for your local paper, video the dinner and put it online, vine, instagram, friendster, myspace, youtube, blog, vimeo, facebook, tweet,… Continue Reading →
You can submit online right now for our next event! Just visit our Submit Proposal page. 🙂
You will hear a presentation no longer than 4 minutes from each potential grantee. The floor is then opened up to 4 questions from diners.
There are only two main rules and they go for the presenters. The first is you can not use technology to present and the second is that the idea presented must benefit Oslo and it’s surrounding area. The rest of the oslo… Continue Reading →
We open the doors at 13:00 and stop admitting people at 13:30, when we start with the pitching. After hearing all four pitches around 14:15 we serve delicious soup and cake. During this time audience members vote on what project… Continue Reading →
It depends on the venue. Please be sure to read the details of each event on Our Next Event page.
Yes, at the moment our events have limited capacity to keep people safely socially distanced, so all tickets must be purchased in advance via Vipps so we can monitor attendance.
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