We were so happy to feature Annichen who presented and won with the project titled, SnapBack, at our event on November 26th!  Read more about the project below:

Project Description

SnapBack is a training group for mothers with babies/toddlers/kids or mothers to be who live in or around Oslo. A group for mothers who want to get back in shape and meet other amazing mothers living in the city. Main focus are mothers on maternity leave. SnapBack wants to inspire mothers to come out and be active together with their children. The City has many fitness gyms and some have childcare where you can leave your kids while you workout. But SnapBack is different, here you can bring your kids along and workout while they are there. If they are small babies up to toddlers we can easily include them in the workout if they are restless. It is a great way for mothers to get out there without feeling any pressure. We have a come as you are principle and the workouts we do are for all no matter what shape or form you are in. The group is run by volunteer mothers who are genuinely interested in working out and organizing workouts. We have been lucky to meet many amazing moms who have inspired other moms in the group and we continuously work on adding more volunteer moms who are on maternity leave to take over the torch when the maternity leave for one mom is up. With SnapBack you are setting a good example for your child.

Why does this idea matter to you?

When I was on maternity leave I did not have a “barselgruppe”. I loved going to cafees but I also loved working out (and still do), so I started a facebook group called SnapBack where I invited moms on maternity leave to join me for a workout. Back then it was usually outside in the parks around Oslo and then we started using Bislett Stadium. This idea is important to me because I know how hard it is to get out there and stay active when you are on maternity leave. There are no other gyms who offer what SnapBack offers. A group of mothers sharing the same issues and can work on them together. I really burn for SnapBack and I have big dreams which I hope I can turn into reality.

How will you idea make Oslo a better place?

SnapBack will bring mothers with different backgrounds closer together. It is multi-international. At SnapBack you will find friends for life and be able to network. And it will help mothers to be active and stay active with their kids.

How will you use the micro-grant funding to realize your concept?

If SnapBack is lucky to get such a grant it will be used for equipment, making flyers to help spread the word of SnapBack, start a website, giving a thank you to all the amazing mothers who have given their time to organize trainings each Monday, Friday and sometimes Wednesdays.


How do you contact the project?  Visit them at the following links: